Marketing Problems vs Product Problems

Patience pays off, especially in marketing.

Hey there!

We've just rolled out a new episode of the Grow Rogue Podcast, and it's full of insights you won't want to miss.

We're getting down to the nitty-gritty of what really makes a business tick.

Here's a sneak peek of what's in store:

1. Marketing Problems vs Product Problems

Struggling to sell doesn’t always mean your marketing’s off. Sometimes, the product itself needs tweaking.

Discover how to tell the difference and take the right action to get your sales on track. (~1 min mark)

2. Importance of Giving It Time

Good things – and sales – come to those who wait.

Learn why patience is key in waiting for your marketing efforts to bear fruit. (~2:30 min mark)

3. Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

The MVP isn't just a buzzword; it's the smartest start.

Find out how launching with just enough can lead to maximum impact. (~4 min mark)

4. Common Marketing Problems

If your marketing isn’t moving the needle, we’re discussing a few usual suspects – and how to address them. (~6:15 mark)

5. Finding the Target Market

Think you know your audience?

We're diving into how to truly identify and connect with your market for better sales. (~8:40 mark)

6. Knowing When to Change the Product

Sometimes, the bravest move is to switch gears.

We’ll talk about the signs that it's time to rethink your product. (~16:30 mark)

7. Example of Uber's Minimum Viable Product

Even giants like Uber keep it simple.

We’re dissecting how their lean approach to new services can inspire your strategy. (~30 min mark)

8. Balancing Work and Personal Life

The entrepreneur’s eternal quest for balance is real.

Get personal with us as we share how we juggle the chaos of business and family. (~34:30 mark)

9. Reflections on 10 Years in Business

Catch up with us as we chat about recent updates in our life and business, and how we're planning for the future. (~36 min mark)

10. Working Smarter, Not Harder

Overwhelmed by the grind?

We’re sharing strategies to maximize efforts and results without burning the candle at both ends. (~37 min mark)

Tune in for our thoughts on keeping your business agile and responsive in today's fast-paced world.

Join us on this episode. We had a great time making it.